Kevin graduated from Muscatine High School with the class of 91. When he turned 16 he began working at South End Sun Mart. In his senior year he worked for the Municipal Golf Course.
In August of 1991 he started college at Muscatine Community College.
He enjoyed Jr. College for his first two years and then was going to Iowa State at Ames. He was going to major in journalism. During his first year at jr. college he again worked at the airport and golf course.
He was looking forward to his sophomore year at MCC and then going on to Ames to get his degree in journalism. Kevin had always suffered from Asthma since he was little. He tried very much to conceal it, as he didn't want anyone to know. He was pretty limited as to what he could do. He had many trips to the hospital during his lifetime.
We almost lost him the Christmas of 1990 but he amazingly pulled through, however on August 23, 1992 he was on his way home from Iowa City and had an asthma attack and ran off the road and through a corner post on Hwy 70 just south of West Liberty.
He died upon arrival at the University Hospital.
He did not have any signs of showing he had been in an accident that
had totaled his truck. No one really knows for sure but they believe he
had an asthma attack that caused him to run off the road.
They did not know he was asthmatic and treated him as probable
internal injuries. He had an asthmatic necklace and a card in his billfold
and his medication in the glove compartment of his truck. However, he
did not have his necklace on and they don't take time to look for and
go through a billfold.
Had he had his necklace on it may have helped them to identify what
was wrong and could have properly treated him.
So if anyone you know that has asthma be sure to alert them to
making it known to everyone, it could make a difference between life
and death.
Kevin is sadly missed by those who knew and loved him,
especially his family.